Jeep Willys (other names: Willys MB, Jeep) is an American off-road car from the Second World War and the post-war period. The first prototypes of the car were built in 1940, and serial production was carried out in 1940-1945. Nearly 650,000 copies of it were created in its course! The weight of the cart was about 1.1 tons, with a length of 3.36 meters and a width of 1.57 meters. The drive was provided by a single engine with a power of 60 HP. The maximum speed was up to 105 km / h.
The Jeep Willys was developed to order and demanded by the US Army, which in 1940, faced with the war, asked for a completely new 4x4 passenger car with a load capacity of up to 250 kilograms, which could be mass-produced. It is worth adding that initially the American Bantam Car with the Bantam BRC was the clear favorite in the tender. However, the US Department of Defense, striving to ensure the best possible car design and trying to ensure trouble-free series production, handed over the plans for the Bantam BRC to the Willys and Ford plants. Based on these plans, Willys developed a Jeep that had a much better power unit than the original Bantam BRC, as well as being mechanically more perfect. Ultimately, it was this car, the Willys Jeep, that won the tender for the US Army. The presented car was actually mass-produced and went to almost all Anglo-Saxon armies fighting in World War II, and thanks to the Lend-and-Lease program, also to the Soviet Union. He took part in hostilities in North Africa, Italy, Northwest Europe and the Pacific. It is often assumed that the Jeep Willys is one of the symbols of American triumph in World War II.
SAS (Special Air Service) ir 1941. gadā pulkveža Deivida Stērlinga izveidota elitāra Lielbritānijas bruņoto spēku specvienība, kas ar nelielu pārtraukumu pastāv līdz mūsdienām. SAS sākotnēji tika izveidota kā Ziemeļāfrikas vienība Axis spēku tālākajā aizmugurē. Pēc tam tās uzdevumi ietvēra plaši saprotamu novirzīšanu un sabotāžu (piemēram, munīcijas vai degvielas noliktavu iznīcināšanu). Šobrīd svarīgākā SAS filiāle ir 22 Speciālā gaisa dienesta profesionālais pulks, kuram sava veida rezervi veido SAS 21. un 23. pulks un kas veic operatīvos uzdevumus. Tur dien profesionāli karavīri. Pieņemšana darbā šajā vienībā ir ļoti stingra, un jau uzņemto cilvēku individuālās un komandas apmācības var ilgt līdz 6-7 gadiem! SAS ir apmācīts darboties ienaidnieka tālajā aizmugurē, pretterorisma operācijām vai ķīlnieku glābšanai. Special Air Service šobrīd ir atzīta par, iespējams, labāko specvienību pasaulē un bija paraugs tādu vienību kā Delta Force, KSK vai Polish GROM veidošanai. Pēc 1945. gada SAS karavīri piedalījās daudzos konfliktos, tostarp Folklendu karā (1982), gan Persijas līča karos (1990-1991 un 2003), gan Afganistānas karā (no 2001).